Friday, July 21, 2006

The Mushroom Cloud Over Ohio . . . . #5

Post #5

If I look to the east, I can see the faint outline of a mushroom cloud over Ohio. I've heard from several sources that the radioactive fall-out and waste is also pouring through the other message boards.

I, apparently, am a scumbag . . .

What you won't see in the blog or on the Ranch is name-calling. The person who owned those eBay listings has made herself a direct combatant in the lawsuit and now can't sit on the sidelines whining and moaning about what big bad Terri did to her. What I 'did' was made a business and legal decision. I can't allow my actions to be dictated by what someone might say.

Thanks to everyone who is coming to our support. It means the world to us. Terri


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